How to update/amend the location of a Job?
Sometimes the position of a Job, especially if you utilize the feature in concurrence with Places, will not allow you to automatically check-in to a Job. Furthermore, if you are unable to manually check-in at a job, it may be possible that the Job's location is in fact inaccurate. This can be because of human error, small errors in addresses, etc. The benefit of Hellotracks is that you can always amend the location of a Job and the related Place by following the steps below:
Step 1: Open the Jobs for today, tap on the job and click on the 'More' menu (three dots)
Step 2: Select 'Update location to my current location' and confirm. The Job and its related Place will be updated to your current position. The key to this is to make sure that you are in fact in the right location for the Job and the Place. Once the location has been updated the option to check-in/out will then be available.